Sunday Worship
9:30am Worship
We are a small urban neighborhood church where we try to be a place where everyone is noticed & cared for. We currently use recorded worship, have a Faith Stories segment to share how God is working in our world & a sermon based on the Bible.
We have offered a "Sunday School" class for K-5th Grade during the Sermon time (about 30 minutes).
Parents are welcome to use our 3rd floor nursery/pre-school area to play with their younger children (you can hear the sermon from there) (we are often able to staff a nursery/pre-school time during the sermon).
We don't pass an offering plate (a box in the back is available or online for donations).
After the service we take about 10 minutes in small clusters to get to know each other & pray for each other, and are usually done around 11am or so (people usually stick around longer to talk & pray with each other).
"Taste & see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8
If you are sick, you may join us on Zoom at 9:30am (click for link)

Weekly Groups
Thursdays - 6pm
Kids & Youth Program
During the school year we meet at
6pm at the building for hang-out & games
6:30pm Supper
7:00-8:00 Split into age groupings for Bible, prayer, sharing, learning...
Grades K-5 Downstairs,
Grades 6-12 Upstairs
Summer: We often meet every two weeks on Thursdays at a neighborhood park.
Saturdays - 3pm
Encouragement Group (on Zoom)
Desire support in making progress
towards your victory?
Come get prayed for & pray for others! (use the noon zoom link)
Monday-Saturday Zoom @ Noon Prayer Group (half hour) (click for link)

SPECIAL EVENTS & Volunteer Opportunities
Chapel service at Harmony Gardens Care Center (on the Sundays when there are 5 Sundays in a month - 4 times a year)
Monthly Summer picnics at Lake Phalen
40 Days for Life prayer vigils.
Quarterly outreaches in the neighborhood.
We cooperate with other neighborhood churches to do a Thanksgiving Eve & Christmas Eve Service, plus cooperate in the East Gate Festival the 3rd Saturday of August and have participated in Street Church in the summer, Sundays at 3pm @ Payne & York
We share our building with the Payne Reliever Church - 11am downstairs & 12:30pm worship upstairs
Volunteers needed for different projects around the building! ​​
To stay up to date on weekly announcements & other special events, please subscribe to our
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